[R] about scagnostics

Olivier ETERRADOSSI olivier.eterradossi at ema.fr
Mon Jul 9 15:44:53 CEST 2007

Hi Hadley,
thank you for providing this "scagnostics" primer....
I was trying to do some basic testing, and I see that I probably missed 
some points :
first it's not clear for me if the argument of "scagnostics" should be 
raw data or "processed" data (results of calling "splom" or whatever...).
If the first, I thought (from Wilkinson & al.) that if taking as an 
example variables x and y being the coordinates of a circle, I should 
find in scagnostics(x,y)$s :
Skinny = 0 and Convex =1.
I get Skinny = 1 and Convex =0.... What am I missing ?
(My God, I'm feeling myself going to be "Ripleyed" !.....)
Regards, Olivier

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