[R] How to remove outer box from Wireframe plots?

Deepayan Sarkar deepayan.sarkar at gmail.com
Wed May 9 22:13:29 CEST 2007

On 5/9/07, Seth W Bigelow <sbigelow at fs.fed.us> wrote:
> I would like to remove the outermost box from my wireframe plots -- this is
> the box that is automatically generated, and is not the inner cube that
> frames the data. There was a thread on this 4 yrs ago but none of the fixes
> work (e.g., grid.newpage(), grid.lines(gp = gpar(col = NA)) or
> par.box=list(col=1),col=NA. These just make the data or the cube disappear.
> Has anyone solved this issue?
> Here's some sample code. In case you are wondering, I have indeed purchased
> Paul Murrel's book.

But have you looked at example(wireframe)? The last example is what
you want. You might also want to add

scales = list(col = "black")

to the call.


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