[R] bug in multcomp?

Robert Cribbie cribbie at yorku.ca
Wed Nov 7 18:27:26 CET 2007

I am running a linear model with achiev as the outcome and major as my 
iv (5 levels). The lm statement runs fine, but for the glht command I 
get the following error. I noted that someone else asked the same 
question a while back but received no reply. I am hoping someone might 
know what is happening.

 anovaf2<-lm(achiev ~ major, data=data_mcp)
 > pairwise<- glht(anovaf2,linfct = mcp(major = "tukey"))
Error in mcp2matrix(model, linfct = linfct) :
        Factor(s) major have been specified in 'linfct' but cannot be 
found in 'model'!

Any help would be much appreciated.


Robert A. Cribbie, PhD
Department of Psychology
York University
Toronto, ON    M3J 1P3
Phone: 416-736-2100 x88615
Email: cribbie at yorku.ca
Fax: 416-736-5814
Website: http://www.psych.yorku.ca/cribbie

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