[R] maps and lattice

Sundar Dorai-Raj sundar.dorai-raj at pdf.com
Tue Feb 5 23:43:42 CET 2008

Jon Loehrke said the following on 2/5/2008 2:29 PM:
> Is it possible to place maps onto lattice plots?
> With basic plotting you can add a map to a plot
> library(lattice)
> long<-c(-69.2, -69.5, -70.1, -70.3)
> lat<-c(41, 41.5, 43.2, 42.8)
> plot(long, lat)
> map('state', c("massachusetts"),add=TRUE)
> but is it possible with lattice?
> library(lattice)
> factor<-c(1,1,2,2)
> xyplot(lat~long|fact)
> ...now what?
> I have looked at panel and found through google an extravagant shape  
> file export/import to R.
> Is there a simpler fix?
> Thank you very much for your help.
> Jon
> School for Marine Science and Technology
> UMASS-Dartmouth

Try this:

long <- c(-69.2, -69.5, -70.1, -70.3)
lat <- c(41, 41.5, 43.2, 42.8)
fact <- c(1, 1, 2, 2)
xyplot(lat ~ long | fact,
        panel = function(...) {
          mp <- map("state", "massachusetts", plot = FALSE)
          lpolygon(mp$x, mp$y)



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