[R] passing username and password to source()

Dieter Menne dieter.menne at menne-biomed.de
Thu Feb 14 08:18:19 CET 2008

[Ricardo Rodriguez] Your XEN ICT Team <webmaster <at> xen.net> writes:

> But considering I am just newbie, could you point me to any example to 
> get this working? Thanks!

I was thinking of something like this (note: you must store PassEnv2.r on disk
as a file).

# File PassEnv.r
# Try again (to show it's removed)

#File PassEnv1.r
# Sys.unsetenv("PASSW") ## This would also be possible to clear the enviroment
# Show that is worked
cat("The password is ",passw,"\n")

Again: this is good for your own computer, but should not be used when security
constraints are relevant. The password is visible to everyone for the time of
passenv1.r running.


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