[R] version problems of rkward in ubuntu hardy repository

Vincent Goulet vincent.goulet at act.ulaval.ca
Thu Jul 10 06:26:56 CEST 2008

Le mer. 09 juil. à 06:20, Rainer M Krug a écrit :

> Hi
> I tried to install rkward under ubuntu hardy heron, but it tried to
> use the one from the cran repository which was newer, but it did not
> install. To be able to install rkward, I had to disable the cran
> repository, install rkward, lock it's version and enable the
> repository again.
> I have the feeling, that the dependencies are not correct (it is
> looking for libqt4GUI, but I have a libqt4-GUI from the ubuntu
> repository).

Dear Rainer,

Activating the hardy-backports repository should fix the issue. Add  
something along the lines of

deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ hardy-backports main  
restricted universe multiverse

in your /etc/apt/sources.list file.

HTH   Vincent

> Just for information,
> Rainer
> -- 
> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
> Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Plant Conservation Unit
> Department of Botany
> University of Cape Town
> Rondebosch 7701
> South Africa
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