[R] .First and .Rprofile won't run on startup

Rolf Turner r.turner at auckland.ac.nz
Mon Jul 14 22:10:52 CEST 2008

On 15/07/2008, at 6:34 AM, Susan Amrose wrote:

> I'm trying to source a file automatically every time I start R. I  
> tried
> adding the following .First function in a file Rprofile.site in my
> $R_HOME/etc/ directory (verified $R_HOME by Sys.getenv()) as well  
> as in a
> file .Rprofile in my $HOME directory and .Rprofile in the working  
> directory:
> .First <- function(){
> source(file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "R", "functions","standard.r"))
>        cat("Actually read your file!!!!")
> }
> - but no luck. I'm using a Mac (OS 10.4). It never runs (the file  
> is not
> sourced and the text does not appear). Does anyone have any  
> suggestions?
> Ideally, I would like to have a directory and source all the files  
> in the
> directory in startup, but this is just a first step (is that  
> possible?).

I just tried your example, i.e. I put your definition of .First()  
into my
.Rprofile (after creating a directory ``R'' in my home directory, a  
of that called ``functions'', and a file in that called ``standard.r'').

Started R, and ``standard.r'' was sourced --- no problema.  I too am  
running on
a Mac --- darwin8.10.1.

So --- it's another Mac mystery. :-(  Sorry that I can't be more  


		Rolf Turner

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