[R] Problem with GLS dwtest function

mm745 at st-andrews.ac.uk mm745 at st-andrews.ac.uk
Thu Jul 24 20:04:46 CEST 2008


I want to test for independence in my GLS model fitp2, but when I try to use the
dwtest function in the lmtest library, I get the error message "Error in
terms.default(formula) : no terms component".

The model and data set are below. Any suggestions would be really helpful!
Thanks a lot in advance,

M. Grace


based on the data set pdata:
  D_total V3_total   P_total
1       75   158000   302.033
2      221   258000   126.664
3     1050   280000   538.547
4     8100   208000  1090.068
5    22100   235000  2038.937
6     5300   570000  2626.226
7     3250   454000  2326.473
8     6540   169000  5613.525
9     5248   247000  6011.532
10   22484   542000 15140.006
11   30841   530000 13324.048
12    7480   497000 10481.812
13    2664   467000  5776.274
14     432   285000  1849.763

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