[R] Plotting a cubic line from a multiple regression

Ashish Ranpura a.ranpura at ucl.ac.uk
Thu May 29 15:20:25 CEST 2008

Dear all,

I'm attempting to plot a cubic relationship between two variables  
controlling for the effects of a third variable. In this short  
example, I'm trying to use AGE to predict CORTEX while controlling for  
the effects of TIV (total intracranial volume):

cortex = rnorm(100, mean=0.5, sd=0.5)
age = rnorm(100, mean=10, sd=2)
tiv = rnorm(100, mean=1000, sd=100)

## simple regression (ignoring TIV) works
cortex.lm = lm(cortex ~ poly(age, degree=3))
plot(age, cortex)
pseudo.x = seq(min(age)-2, max(age)+2, len=200)
lines(pseudo.x, predict(cortex.lm, data.frame(age=pseudo.x)))

## multiple regression (accounting for TIV) fails
cortex.lm = lm(cortex ~ poly(age, degree=3) + tiv)
plot(age, cortex)
pseudo.x = seq(min(age)-2, max(age)+2, len=200)
lines(pseudo.x, predict(cortex.lm, data.frame(age=pseudo.x)))

Although the last 'lines' command fails, summary(cortex.lm) does give  
me reasonable coefficients for the multiple regression. Can anyone  
advise me if (1) this is at all a legitimate procedure, and (2) how to  
draw the cubic function that fits the multiple regression?



Ashish Ranpura
Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience
University College London
17 Queen Square
London WC1N 3AR

tel: +44 (20) 7679 1126
web: http://www.icn.ucl.ac.uk

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