[R] R run under Emacs fatal errors halt execution

Stavros Macrakis macrakis at alum.mit.edu
Fri Nov 14 01:47:56 CET 2008

I am running R.exe/Rterm.exe 2.7.1 under Emacs 22.1 under the DOS
shell under Windows XP.  (My Cygwin installation is broken!)  I am not
currently using ESS:

   > R.exe --vanilla
   R version 2.7.1 ...
   > 1+1

This works fine until I hit an R error -- pretty much any error --
when the process halts and returns to the shell:

Wrong number of arguments error:

  > quote()
  Error in quote(): 0 arguments passed....
  Execution halted

Syntax error:

  > )
  Error: unexpected ')' in ")"
  Execution halted

The same thing happens in R.exe and Rterm.exe.

How do I get R to catch the error and let me continue?



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