[R] Discriminant Function Analysis

Senthil Nambi senthil196 at gmail.com
Sat Nov 15 01:13:25 CET 2008


I need to emulate the result I in SPSS for discriminant analysis.

Specifically, Canonical discriminant function coefficients and most
importantly classification results.

| -------- | ----- | ---------------------- |
-------------------------------------------------------- |
---------------------- | 
 |          |       | job                    | Predicted Group Membership                               | Total                  | 
 |          |       |                        | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          |       |                        | 1.00  customer service |            2.00  mechanic | 3.00  dispatch | 1.00  customer service | 
 | -------- | ----- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 | Original | Count | 1.00       customer service  |       70                     | 11             | 4              | 85                     | 
 |          |       | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          |       | 2.00             mechanic                | 16                     | 62             | 15             | 93                     | 
 |          |       | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          |       | 3.00             dispatch                  | 3                      | 12             | 51             | 66                     | 
 |          | ----- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | --------------  | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          | %     | 1.00            customer service     | 82.4                   | 12.9           | 4.7            | 100.0                  | 
 |          |       | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          |       | 2.00             mechanic                | 17.2                   | 66.7           | 16.1           | 100.0                  | 
 |          |       | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
 |          |       | 3.00             dispatch                  | 4.5                    | 18.2           | 77.3           | 100.0                  | 
 | -------- | ----- | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | ---------------------- | 
a 75.0% of original grouped cases correctly classified.

Something like the table above.

I am not sure how the table will turn out. It basically has the original group and the predicted group and based on that, the % correctly classified group. 

Thank you

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