[R] Deleting rows that contain certain characters...or deleting ANOVA factors

K. Elo maillists at nic.fi
Wed Apr 22 19:41:56 CEST 2009


Crosby, Jacy R wrote:
> i.e. I'd like to have aov(Phen1~L1) use only Pat1-Pat4,and Pat 10.
>      Similarly, aov(Phen1~L2) should use Pat1, 6, and 10.
>      Etc.
> Is this something I can do in the aov function, or do I need to modify my dataset before running aov? In either case, I need ideas...

Maybe this in your aov formulae:

REG[ -grep("[?]",REG[,i]), 3+j ]~REG[ -grep("[?]",REG[,i]),i ]

Kind regards,

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