[R] Sweave in LATEX

Duncan Murdoch murdoch at stats.uwo.ca
Tue Jan 6 15:18:13 CET 2009

On 1/6/2009 6:44 AM, Mr Derik wrote:
> Hello
> I have been setting up my computer to run Sweave. I have got the whole thing
> working on example files, except that my MikTex returns an "Undefined
> Control Sequence" error for \Sexpr and my output file contains verbatim code
> sequences at the apropriate point in the text rather than the R output. The
> rest of the output file is fine with tables, R code sequences and figures in
> the right place and correctly formatted. I have searched everywhere for
> advice on what to do about this, any ideas would be gratefully received. 

You need to give more details.  Which version of R are you running?  How 
are you running Sweave?  Are you including \usepackage{Sweave} in your 
Sweave document?  (This is not always necessary, but is usually a good 

Duncan Murdoch

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