[R] productivity tools in R?

Gabor Grothendieck ggrothendieck at gmail.com
Fri Jul 3 20:38:17 CEST 2009

On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 2:14 PM, cls59<chuck at sharpsteen.net> wrote:
> Duncan Murdoch-2 wrote:
>> The Windows GUI was written before the Mac GUI, and was written using a
>> fairly strange toolkit, which are two reasons the Mac looks prettier.
>> But the Windows GUI has a few advantages over the Mac:
>> (snip)
>>   You can copy from the console, prompts and all, and paste just the
>> commands, to re-execute a sequence of commands.
> I recently noticed that the Mac GUI contains a way to do block selection- so
> you can select just the code you want to copy and exclude the prompts. Just
> hold down the option key and the text cursor will turn into a crosshair
> which allows you to exclude the prompt column while you select.
> Even better, this behavior is somewhat universal as it works in other
> applications such as the Terminal. I find it particularly useful for copying
> code out of Vim without getting Vim's line numbers wrapped up in my
> selections.

Unless the Mac version of vim/gvim works differently,
line numbers are off by default; however, if you have
turned them on in your startup file you can turn them off

:set nonumber

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