[R] Skew-Normal Linear Mixed Model (SNLMM)

Raphael Fraser raphael.fraser at gmail.com
Tue Jul 28 15:32:38 CEST 2009

Dear ALL,

In the Normal Linear Mixed Model (NLMM) we make the assumption that
the random effects are normally distributed. Is it possible to fit a
linear mixed model in R where the random effects are
assumed to have a Skew-Normal distribution? I am trying to reproduce
the results in the paper referenced below. Can anyone help?

Tsung I. Lin, Jack C. Lee. Estimation and prediction in linear mixed
models with skew-normal random effects for longitudinal data.
Statistics in Medicine 2008; 27 (9):1490–1507


Raphael A. Fraser, MSc
Lecturer in Biostatistics
Tropical Medicine Research Institute
Faculty of Medical Sciences
University of the West Indies
Mona Campus
Kingston, JAMAICA

Tel:  (876) 927-2471; 977-6151
Mobile: (876) 410-4699
Fax: (876) 927-2984
e-mail: raphael.fraser at uwimona.edu.jm

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