[R] what happened to the xlsReadWrite package

David Scott d.scott at auckland.ac.nz
Fri Jun 26 00:41:56 CEST 2009

Andrew Yee wrote:
> A naive question:  what happened to the xlsReadWrite package?
> http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/xlsReadWrite/
> It says that it was removed from the CRAN repository.  Are there any plans
> for it be available again?
> Thanks,
> Andrew

There was a problem with proprietary code. Pick up the latest version 
from Hans-Peter Suter's website


David Scott
David Scott	Department of Statistics
		The University of Auckland, PB 92019
		Auckland 1142,    NEW ZEALAND
Phone: +64 9 923 5055, or +64 9 373 7599 ext 85055
Email:	d.scott at auckland.ac.nz,  Fax: +64 9 373 7018

Graduate Officer, Department of Statistics
Director of Consulting, Department of Statistics

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