[R] R Language Bloggers and Web Sites Owners

Ajay ohri ohri2007 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 31 13:27:49 CEST 2009

Dear List,

Apologies in advance for non bloggers for the spam on the slightly off topic.

This is an invitation to all R language bloggers to help spread the
world at a forum where leading authors come together.

Current only 1 R blogger is there- David Smith, from Revolution Computing.

There are many from SAS (Jason Burke,Gary Conkins) ,one from SPSS (Jon
Peck) and others from SAP,Aster Data  .Visit
www.smartdatacollective.com for a preview of the site.

The Smart Data Collective is the Data-Driven Enterprise Community.
Discuss business intelligence, data mining, data warehousing,
enterprise data, e-gov, data integration, CRM, predictive analytics,
risk management, and anything else data-related!

It is a moderated site ,editorially independent but sponsored from Teradata.

If you have a blog already, join smartdatacollective.com as a member
and featured blogger (which, I hasten to add, involves no additional
work on your part.) We can set up an RSS feed link to your existing
blog so your posts automatically become part of the SmartData
Collectivecontent flow with no further effort from you.

As a member/contributor you'll be able to connect and interact with
other experts and connect with many of the world's leading business
organizations. You can create a profile to promote yourself and your
work. The posts are moderated by an editor and we select only those
that are on-target for this particular community.

This is a great, no-hassle way to grow your professional reputation
and reach lots of new readers. You will be listed as a featured
blogger on the main page with a link back to your blog on each
individual post and, of course, this is a non-exclusive agreement. You
retain the copyright to your work. We also draw from our bloggers for
webinars and other outreach efforts.

Send me a note if you'd like to participate.

Register at SmartData Collective

End of Message


ajay at socialmediatoday.com

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