[R] xyplot: problems with column names & legend

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Sun Jan 3 01:44:57 CET 2010

On Jan 2, 2010, at 6:51 PM, Jay wrote:

> Hello!
> one more question about xyplot. If I have data which have space in the
> column names, say "xyz 123". How do I create a working graph where
> this text is displayed in the legend key?
> Now when I try something like xyplot("xyz 123" ~ variable1, data =
> mydata, .......) I get nothing.

You could try bquote() around the troublesome string.

(And why would you do such a thing in the first place, anyway???)

> Also, is it possible to genrate the graph with xyplot(mydata[,1] ~
> variable1, data = mydata, .......) and then later in the code specify
> the names that should be displayed in the legend?

(It's not exactly clear what you mean by legend, but from the fact  
that you xyplot call has nothing that would clearly need a legend or  
key,  I'm guessing you actually mean the x and y labels.)

?xyplot # and pay attention to the xlab and ylab arguments


David Winsemius, MD
Heritage Laboratories
West Hartford, CT

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