[R] Newbie cross tabulation issue

David Winsemius dwinsemius at comcast.net
Thu Sep 9 17:20:01 CEST 2010

On Sep 8, 2010, at 7:32 PM, Jonathan Finlay wrote:

> Thanks David, gmodels::Crosstable partially work because can show  
> only 1 x 1
> tablen
> CrossTable(x,y,...)
> I need something how can process at less 1 variable in X an 10 in Y.

A further thought (despite a lack of clarification on what your data  
situation really is.). The strong tendency in R is not to attempt  
replication of formats in SAS that were developed in an era of dot- 
matrix printers, but to target modern output devices. As such most of  
the table output facilities with any degree of sophistication have  
LaTeX or HTML as targets.

RSiteSearch("html tables") produces over 1000 links although they have  
many that are not for multiway tables where "multi" is greater than R  
x C. RSiteSearch("latex tables") produces many fewer.  You may want to  
look at xtable, Sweave, odfWeave, the various HTML utilities, and  
Harrell's Hmisc::summary.formula


David Winsemius, MD
West Hartford, CT

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