[R] 3D plots

Duncan Murdoch murdoch.duncan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 00:36:38 CET 2011

On 11-02-07 5:31 PM, danieladna wrote:
> Hi,
> Which package is your favorite one to create 3D bar plots?
> Which package is the easiest and fastest to use to your mind?
> I tried to download the R.basic package that has plot3d integrated.
> Unfortunately the installation from Henrik's webpage doesn't work.
> Do you know where else to get it from? Is there an update? Or maybe an even
> better package for plotting in 3D?
> Thank you!

plot3d is a function in the rgl package, but that package doesn't do 3d 
bar plots.  It does have the lower level things to put together your 
own, and others have probably done that.  The way I'd do it would be to 
take the cube3d() object and transform it to draw each bar.

Duncan Murdoch

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