[R] Thiessen Method

Sarah Goslee sarah.goslee at gmail.com
Thu May 26 20:16:01 CEST 2011


That's an improvement, but a long way from the reproducible example
requested by the posting guide. I and others who might help are more
interested in the way the data and coordinates are organized and a
detailed explanation of what you expect the results to look like, etc,
than in a verbal description of the problem. From your description, I
can come up with many ways in which your data might be specified, and
results that you might want.

The posting guide provides valuable tips on how to provide a
well-formed question.

Did you try looking at the packages and functions I suggested in my
previous reply?


On Thu, May 26, 2011 at 11:35 AM, federico.eccel
<federico.eccel at gmail.com> wrote:
> Dear Sarah,
> I have a grid in which 8 raingauges are locted, in my case the dataset is
> composed by 8 hourly timeseries, one for each raingauge. I would like to
> obtain from these timeseries using the Thiessen method the values of the
> precipitation in all the grid. In particular I would like to create the
> thiessen polygons around the raingauges that have to be limited on my grid.
> Thanks a lot
> Federico

Sarah Goslee

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