[R] some help

dattel_palme dattel_palme at yahoo.de
Mon Nov 26 12:13:01 CET 2012

Hey again!

I finally, after some work done before, had time to apply the code. 
The sorting of the table did not work well or maybe something was

I have a table with 973 rows and 1329 col (ascii/text file). I want to sort
the table that all columns are one under each other so that at the end I
have 973*1329 rows and 1 col. The col should be sorted in a way that col 2
is under col 1, col 3 under col 2, col 4 under col 3 etc. 

I applied this code:
dat <- read.table(filename, sep=<separator>, header=TRUE)
stacked <- do.call(rbind, dat) 

..but putting dim(dat), the number of rows and col was still 973 and 1329.
So seemingly it did not work as i wanted.

Thanks very much for more help.


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