[R] storing multidimensional arrays - save and load -

Witold E Wolski wewolski at gmail.com
Wed Aug 14 11:52:01 CEST 2013

I am have a procedure which generates multidimensional arrays.

To compute them is expensive so I want to store them in order to be
able to analyse them later.

I am using at the moment

problem is that the array is always assigned to a variable ma (the
computation is in a loop).
Than I generate a file name and store it (i.e)
save(ma, file="ma1.txt")
save(ma, file="ma2.txt")

problem starts when I want to load it
load("ma1.RData") # loads in ma
load("ma2.RData") # overrides ma

How can i prevent this behaviour. Is there a better way to store
multidimensional arrays?


Witold Eryk Wolski

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