[R] 3D Surface Plot

Simon Delay-Fortier simon.delay-fortier at mail.mcgill.ca
Wed Dec 18 16:30:45 CET 2013

Hi everyone,I am a very new user of r. I am now mandated to draw a 3-d surface (and possibly rotating) of a mine pit hole. I have all the location points (around 5000 points) of the pit in a CSV file under 3 column X, Y & Z. The fllowing gives a 3d scatter but i would like to have a surface.

par(bg="grey6", col.lab="white", col.axis="white", col.main="white", col.sub="white")
scatterplot3d(X, Y, Z, color = "red", pch=19, main="Mine and Drilling Map")

I noted is that most of the time X and Y  have to be in ascending order but the data I have are not (since they are finite points of the pit, if X gets  in ascending order, Y and Z are not). Also with the data, sometimes 2 rows fallowing each ohter have the same X and Y value with a different Z.

Hope you can help.

Simon Delay-Fortier

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