[R] RMSE comparison: test

Jeff Newmiller jdnewmil at dcn.davis.CA.us
Mon Feb 18 17:49:21 CET 2013

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Nnina <lgnina497 at gmail.com> wrote:

>I did computation of the model like in the paper.
>And now I have RMSE from my estimated model and RMSE from the paper.
>The question is: How to do the test for two RMSEs? e.g. like Null
>hypothesis: RMSE1-RMSE2=0
>I have the paper and I am doing computation exactly like it is
>described in
>the paper and have data from the source which written in the paper.
>have my sample and RMSE2 for my sample
>And I have value of RMSE1 from the paper.
>And now would like to compare these two values, how I can do it?
>Thank you.
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