[R] problem that arises after using the new version of "BRugs"

moumita chatterjee mcmoumita8 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 18 11:55:48 CET 2013

Respected Sir,
                       With reference to my mail to you and the reply mail
by you dated 9th and 16th January, 2013, I am sending the reproducible code
in the attached document named " MODIFIED ANS ". I am also attaching the
txt file named "hazModel", which is required to save in my documents folder
to run the program. The file also contains the error message along with the
                                          I would be very much obliged if
you kindly give me a solution for this question.
Thanking you.
                    Moumita Chatterjee
                    Research Scholar
                    University Of Calcutta.
-------------- next part --------------

function (x, range.x, intKnots, drv = 0) 
    if (drv > 2) 
        stop("splines not smooth enough for more than 2 derivatives")
    if (missing(range.x)) 
        range.x <- c(1.05 * min(x) - 0.05 * max(x), 1.05 * max(x) - 
            0.05 * min(x))
    if (missing(intKnots)) {
        numIntKnots <- min(length(unique(x)), 35)
        intKnots <- quantile(unique(x), seq(0, 1, length = (numIntKnots + 
            2))[-c(1, (numIntKnots + 2))])
    numIntKnots <- length(intKnots)
    allKnots <- c(rep(range.x[1], 4), intKnots, rep(range.x[2], 
    K <- length(intKnots)
    L <- 3 * (K + 8)
    xtilde <- (rep(allKnots, each = 3)[-c(1, (L - 1), L)] + rep(allKnots, 
        each = 3)[-c(1, 2, L)])/2
    wts <- rep(diff(allKnots), each = 3) * rep(c(1, 4, 1)/6, 
        K + 7)
    Bdd <- spline.des(allKnots, xtilde, derivs = rep(2, length(xtilde)), 
        outer.ok = TRUE)$design
    Omega <- t(Bdd * wts) %*% Bdd
    eigOmega <- eigen(Omega)
    indsZ <- 1:(numIntKnots + 2)
    UZ <- eigOmega$vectors[, indsZ]
    LZ <- t(t(UZ)/sqrt(eigOmega$values[indsZ]))
    indsX <- (numIntKnots + 3):(numIntKnots + 4)
    UX <- eigOmega$vectors[, indsX]
    L <- cbind(UX, LZ)
    stabCheck <- t(crossprod(L, t(crossprod(L, Omega))))
    if (sum(stabCheck^2) > 1.0001 * (numIntKnots + 2)) 
    B <- spline.des(allKnots, x, derivs = rep(drv, length(x)), 
        outer.ok = TRUE)$design
    Z <- B %*% LZ
    attr(Z, "range.x") <- range.x
    attr(Z, "intKnots") <- intKnots

function (data, inits, parametersToSave, nBurnin, nIter, nThin, 
    if ((nBurnin < 100) | (nIter < 100)) 
        stop("currently only working for chains longer than 100")
    if ((100 * round(nBurnin/100) != nBurnin) | (100 * round(nIter/100) != 
        warning("chain lengths not multiples of 100; truncation may occur.")
    modelCompile(numChains = 1)
    burninIncSize <- round(nBurnin/(nThin * 100))
    for (i in 1:100) {
        modelUpdate(burninIncSize, thin = nThin)
    iterIncSize <- round(nIter/(nThin * 100))
    for (i in 1:100) {
        modelUpdate(iterIncSize, thin = nThin)

    sims <- samplesStats("*")
    return(list(Stats = sims))

        numKnots <- 25
        range.x <- c(0,202)
    ox <- order(x)
    x <- x[ox]
    delta <- delta[ox]
    n <- length(x)
    xTil <- as.numeric(names(table(x)))
    cnts <- as.numeric(table(x))
    nTil <- length(xTil)
    deltaTil <- rep(NA, nTil)
    for (iTil in 1:nTil) deltaTil[iTil] <- sum(delta[(1:n)[x == 
    sd.xTil <- sd(xTil)
    xTil <- xTil/sd.xTil
    range.x <- range.x/sd.xTil
    d1xTil <- xTil[2:nTil] - xTil[1:(nTil - 1)]
    d2xTil <- xTil[3:nTil] - xTil[1:(nTil - 2)]
    rcsrCnts <- rev(cumsum(rev(cnts)))
    trapLef <- 2 * cnts[1] * xTil[1] + (sum(cnts) - cnts[1]) * 
        (xTil[2] + xTil[1])
    trapMid <- cnts[2:(nTil - 1)] * d1xTil[-length(d1xTil)] + 
        rcsrCnts[1:(nTil - 2)] * d2xTil
    trapRig <- cnts[nTil] * d1xTil[length(d1xTil)]
    oTil <- log(c(trapLef, trapMid, trapRig)/2)
    X <- cbind(rep(1, nTil), xTil)
    numIntKnots <- 25
    intKnots <- quantile(xTil, seq(0, 1, length = numIntKnots + 
        2)[-c(1, numIntKnots + 2)])

Z <- ZOSull(xTil, intKnots = intKnots, range.x = range.x)
    numKnots <- ncol(Z)
    allData <- list(n = nTil, numKnots = numKnots, x = xTil, 
        delta = deltaTil, offs = oTil, Z = Z)
    parInits <- list(list(beta0 = 0.1, beta1 = 0.1, u = rep(0.1, 
        numKnots), tauU = 1))

# the file hazModel.txt must be in the
# My Documents folder for the next step to run, I am attaching this with my mail.

    BRugsMCMC(data = allData, inits = parInits, parametersToSave = c("beta0", 
        "beta1", "u", "tauU"), nBurnin =150, nIter =150, 
        nThin = 15, modelFile = "hazModel.txt")

betaMCMC <- rbind(samplesSample("beta0"), samplesSample("beta1"))

# An error is coming in this line. THe error window shows that BUGSHE~1.EXE has stopped working.# 

# the error message is #
model has probably not yet been updated
model has probably not yet been updated
Error in handleRes(res) : NA
In addition: Warning message:
running command '"C:/Users/MOU/Documents/R/win-library/2.15/BRugs/exec/BugsHelper.exe" "C:/Users/MOU/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpwzJ97S" "C:/Users/MOU/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpwzJ97S/trash" "file7f819516f3f.bug" "C:/Users/MOU/AppData/Local/Temp/RtmpwzJ97S/cmds.txt" "2"' had status 255 

-------------- next part --------------


   for(i in 1:n) 


      log(mu[i]) <- beta0 + beta1*x[i] + inprod(u[],Z[i,]) + offs[i]

 delta[i] ~ dpois(mu[i])	


   for (k in 1:numKnots)


      u[k] ~  dnorm(0,tauU)


   beta0 ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-8)

   beta1 ~ dnorm(0,1.0E-8)
   tauU   ~ dgamma(0.01,0.01)

   sigU <- 1/sqrt(tauU)


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