[R] VennDiagram

João Azevedo Patrício joao.patricio at gmx.pt
Tue Aug 26 10:35:59 CEST 2014

Em 26-08-2014 09:30, Jurgens de Bruin escreveu:
> Hi,
> I am new to R and dont use it very often so I would appreciate some help.
> I would like to create a VennDiagram based on the following, I have
> analyzed experimental results using different methods and captured the
> results of each analysis.
> I would like the VennDiagram to show the overlap in results for the
> different analysis.
> Sample data:
>   Analysis   Results
>         A              1-5
>         B               8-9
>         C               4-7
>         B               1-5
>         A               20-50
>         C               8-9
> So in this simple example analysis A and B have a single sample overlap and
> Analysis B and C also have a single overlap but C and A have no overlap.

I don't know how to do it, but made a search and found this, see if it 
helps you


João Azevedo Patrício
Tel.: +31 91 400 53 63
@ http://tripaforra.bl.ee

"Take 2 seconds to think before you act"

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