[R] Determine breaks based on a break type...

Jim Lemon jim at bitwrit.com.au
Sat Mar 22 23:38:44 CET 2014

On 03/23/2014 03:15 AM, Jonathan Greenberg wrote:
> R-helpers:
> I was wondering, given a vector of data, if there is a way to
> calculate the break points based on the breaks= parameter from
> histogram, but skipping all the other calculations (all I want is the
> breakpoints, not the frequencies).  I can, of course, simply run the
> histogram and extract the break component:
> mybreaks<- hist(runif(100))$breaks
> But is there a faster way to do this, if this is all I want?
Hi Jonathan,
I assume that you want a function to define the number of classes rather 
than the alternative methods of simply specifying the number of breaks 
or the actual locations of breaks yourself. I know of three such functions:


all in the grDevices package. You can call these functions directly and 
then calculate the break point locations by dividing the range of the 
observations into calculated number of classes:

[1] 6
# now decide whether you want right-closed intervals (the default)
# and pad the left (default) or right side
intwidth<-(max(x) - (min(x)-1))/6

It is debatable whether this is better than:



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