[R] Common install of R on network disk

Loris Bennett loris.bennett at fu-berlin.de
Tue Jul 7 11:34:36 CEST 2015

Hello Lionel,

Lionel SPINELLI <spinelli at ciml.univ-mrs.fr> writes:

> Hello all,
> I am looking for information on how to install R on a network disk so
> that it can be used by several users mounting this network disk from
> different computers.
> We are using a cluster and shared computers in my lab. Those machines
> can mount network disks. On those disks we have installed several
> tools, like samtools that can be used from any user and from any
> machine since they have installs that do no required any system
> libraries.
> We would like to do the same thing with R: have a folder in the
> network disk that contains R (and its libraries) and that permits to
> execute it from any machine that mount the network disk. However, it
> seems R uses system libraries since, once the installation done we
> obtain the following message when trying to execute it from a
> different machine than the one from which R was installed:
>  error while loading shared libraries: libicuuc.so.52: cannot open
>  shared object file: No such file or directory
> This library seems present on the machine executing R but seems not
> found the same. We did not found any info on how to set a lib path in
> order to put that library with the R install.
> Do you know any reference that explain how to successfully achieved
> the R install as we would like to?
> Thanks a lot in advance

You could try building a static version, but as described here


that may not be very easy.

If you really want to run R across a very heterogeneous cluster, it
might be more practical to just install the same version of R directly
on each machine and the install only R packages to the network share,


You will then need a line like

.libPaths( c( .libPaths(), "/my/network/share/R/3.2.0/site-library" )

in a file such as /usr/lib64/R/etc/Rprofile.site to enable R to find the



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