[R] Setting .Rprofile for RStudio on a Windows 7 x64bit

BR_email br at dmstat1.com
Mon Apr 17 19:47:03 CEST 2017

After hours, and hours, and hours, and ... , and hours: Success.
To all who helped, thanks.
My quest was minor, but major for me, as I learn from the path of one, 
whether big or small begets another.

I never look down at anyone, except to help him/her up.

With gratitude,

Bruce Ratner, Ph.D.
The Significant Statistician™
(516) 791-3544
Statistical Predictive Analtyics -- www.DMSTAT1.com
Machine-Learning Data Mining and Modeling -- www.GenIQ.net

Peter Dalgaard wrote:
>> On 17 Apr 2017, at 19:01 , BR_email <br at dmstat1.com> wrote:
>> Berend: Something looks good, but RStudio still Rprofile still doees not affect the launch.
>>> source(echo=TRUE, "C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/.Rprofile.site")
>>> options(prompt="R> ")
>>> set.seed(12345)
>>> rm(list=ls())
>> R>
>> Bruce Ratner, Ph.D.
>> The Significant Statistician™
>> (516) 791-3544
>> Statistical Predictive Analtyics -- www.DMSTAT1.com
>> Machine-Learning Data Mining and Modeling -- www.GenIQ.net
>> Berend Hasselman wrote:
>>> source(echo=TRUE, ""C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/.Rprofile.site")
> According to the gospel of St.Henrik, that filename is wrong, and possibly the directory too.
> So try his suggestions. What is the output (show us!) of
> normalizePath("./.Rprofile")
> normalizePath("~/.Rprofile")
> Assuming that the former is
> "C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/.Rprofile"
> you could try renaming the .Rprofile.site file to that. If need be, use file.rename, as in
> file.rename(from="C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/.Rprofile.site", to="C:/Users/BruceRatner/Documents/.Rprofile")
> (and restart, obviously).
> [I wouldn't set the seed in a .Rprofile file, nor would I use rm() there, but that is a different kettle of fish.]

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