[R] MDS plot in Random Forest

Elahe chalabi chalabi.elahe at yahoo.de
Thu May 25 17:15:11 CEST 2017

Hi all,
I have applied Random Forest on my data and divided data into test and rain set to see the prediction results and it seems good cause the accuracy is 82%. Now my question is how can I plot MDS on predicted data? here is my code: 

  spl=sample.split(df$PatientType,SplitRatio = 0.7)
  SecondTree=randomForest(PatientType~ cookie + curtains + get + mother + overflowing + sink +thats + window + stool + heres + drying + chair + okay +outside +  standing + tipping + windows + blowing + breeze +counter + finger + onto + open + reaching + didnt + spilled +action + quiet + summer + mouth + puddle + good +     wind +whos + sort,data = Train,nodesize=25,ntree=200,proximity=TRUE)
  PredictForest=predict(SecondTree,newdata =Test)
Is MDS plot a way to find out if the classification are easy to be separated?

thanks for any help.

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