[R] Help converting .txt to .csv file

Richard M. Heiberger rmh @ending from temple@edu
Thu Dec 27 00:34:19 CET 2018

I looked at the first file.  It gives an option to download as TSV
(tab separated values).
That is the same as CSV except with tabs instead of commas.
You do not need any external software to read it.  Read the downloaded
file directly into R.

read.delim looks as if it would work directly on the downloaded file.
The notation "\t" means the tab character.

As an aside, stay away from notepad. it is too naive for almost
anything interesting.
The specific case I often see is people reading linux-style text files
with notepad, which doesn't
understand NL terminated lines.  nicely formatted text files become illegible.

On Wed, Dec 26, 2018 at 6:04 PM Spencer Brackett
<spbrackett20 using saintjosephhs.com> wrote:
> Good evening,
> I am attempting to anaylze the protein expression data contained within
> these two ICGC, TCGA datasets (one for GBM and the other for LGG)
> *File for GBM  protein expression*:
> https://dcc.icgc.org/search?filters=%7B%22donor%22:%7B%22projectId%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22GBM-US%22%5D%7D,%22availableDataTypes%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22pexp%22%5D%7D%7D%7D
> *File for LGG protein expression:*
> *https://dcc.icgc.org/search?filters=%7B%22donor%22:%7B%22projectId%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22LGG-US%22%5D%7D,%22availableDataTypes%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22pexp%22%5D%7D%7D%7D
> <https://dcc.icgc.org/search?filters=%7B%22donor%22:%7B%22projectId%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22LGG-US%22%5D%7D,%22availableDataTypes%22:%7B%22is%22:%5B%22pexp%22%5D%7D%7D%7D>*
>   When I tried to transfer the files from .txt (via Notepad) to .csv (via
> Excel), the data appeared in the columns as unorganized and random
> script... not like how a typical csv should be arranged at all. I need the
> dataset to be converted into .csv in order to analyze it in R, which is why
> I am hoping someone here might help me in doing that. If not, is there
> perhaps some other way that I could analyze the datatsets on R, which again
> is downloaded from the dataportal ICGC?
> Best,
> Spencer Brackett
>         [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
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