[R] Best Optimization Routines

Paul Smith phhs80 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 14:12:19 CET 2018

On Tue, Feb 13, 2018 at 7:55 PM, JamesRyan(Ryan James)/E&P North
America Business Division <rjames at sk.com> wrote:
> I have a set of data, the production of oil from a well.  And an equation to predict that forecast.
> The equation requires 5 input variables which are real numbers with upper and lower bounds, 1 input variable which must be an integer and 1 input variable which can be 1 of 2 string variables.
> What is the best optimization routine (I am using nlminb) to use in R to determine the best set of inputs and how to I handle the integer and string inputs when optimizing?
> I have attached a plot of what I am trying to accomplish as well as my sample code.

If I understand correctly your problem, your equation is linear, and
you have continuous and integer variables (the string input can be
coded as a binary integer variable). Thus, you can use a package to
deal with mixed integer programming:


Hope this helps you,


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