[R] subsetting ls() as per class...

William Dunlap wdun|@p @end|ng |rom t|bco@com
Sat Jul 28 17:07:04 CEST 2018

> objClasses <- unlist(eapply(.GlobalEnv, function(x)class(x)[1]))
> head(objClasses)
            f             E
   "function" "environment"
           df             h
     "tbl_df"    "function"
       myData             L
       "list"        "list"
> names(objClasses)[objClasses=="tbl_df"]
[1] "df"  "out"

Bill Dunlap
TIBCO Software
wdunlap tibco.com

On Fri, Jul 27, 2018 at 10:58 PM, akshay kulkarni <akshay_e4 using hotmail.com>

> dear memebers,
>                                I am using R in AWS linux instance for my
> research. I want to remove certain objects from the global environment  to
> reduce my EBS cost..for example, I want to remove all objects of class
> "xts", "zoo". Is there any way to automate this, instead of removing the
> objects one by one?
> Basically, I want to subset  ls() according to class, and then remove that
> subset by using rm function.
> I got to know about mget in SO, but that is not working in my case....
> Also, all the above objects end with ".NS".  I came to know that you can
> remove objects starting with a certain pattern; is there any way to remove
> objects ending in a certain pattern?
> very many thanks for your time and effort...
> yours sincerely,
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