[R] Stats Package Fix

Abby Spurdle @purd|e@@ @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Thu Aug 8 07:44:08 CEST 2019

(excerpts only)
> Using this file, with the tab for Growth_Value (I have pasted some code
> below), if I add the argument *exact = F *it produces the Wilcoxon signed
> rank test with continuity correction. The description documentation leads
> me to believe that's the wrong argument (should be the "correct" not the
> "exact" argument.
> A response by tomorrow would be ideal, but I would still like an answer

I do *not* speak for R Core, and I'm not expert on this test.
However, it appears it's doing what it's supposed to be doing.

There are separate arguments for exact and correct (which defaults to true).
And according to the documentation:

"By default (if exact is not specified), an exact p-value is computed if
the samples contain less than 50 finite values and there are no ties.
Otherwise, a normal approximation is used."

When you set exact to false (FALSE is preferable to F), the normal
approximation is used, with the continuity correction.

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