[R] ski.mack test in R

Sophie Bleke @oph|e@b|eke01 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Aug 20 14:23:40 CEST 2019

Dear R-Help List,

For part of my data, which I analyse with Friedman.test, there is data
missing, which is a normal result of the experimental setup. If I am
correct, I need to use the Ski.Mack test in R for it.

Normally, I read my data in for Friedman or post hoc Wilcoxon like below:

a <- read.table(file.choose(), header=T)



I tried to replace the friedman line with your ski.mack command, but it is
not getting me where I need to get.

Ski.Mack(a, simulate.p.value = TRUE, B = 1000)



Both don't work.

Is there as simple command way, as above, to read out the ski.mack test
from my txt file, without manually typing all the data points as rows and
colums in the R console, which is recommended in the ski.mack author's
online PDF? It's a lot of data and manually inputting rows and colums and
data points won't be doable in this case.

I would be very grateful to hear of an elegant short solution, similar to
the friedman command / read-in lines above.


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