[R] troubleshooting data structure to run krippendorff's alpha

Jim Lemon drj|m|emon @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Jan 30 03:01:40 CET 2019

Hi Hallie,
If I understand your email correctly, you have four repeated
observations by the three raters of the same six variables. This is a
tougher problem and I can't solve it at the moment. I'll return to
this later and see if I can offer a solution.


On Wed, Jan 30, 2019 at 3:56 AM Hallie Kamesch <hallie.kamesch using gmail.com> wrote:
> Thank you Jim, for the code, and thank you Jeff for the tutorial PDF.  I've read through the sections and I appreciate the help.
> I'm in way over my head - I don't even understand enough of the vocabulary to ask my question correctly.
> Jim, in your code, I ended up with an entry of 4 observations of 6 variables. I understand how that happened now since I read your code - that helped very much.
> My only problem, that I can't figure out, is how to make it so I have 3 raters with 4 observations of 6 variables.
> I really am trying to educate myself enough to not waste your time:  I've ?data.frame, ?sample, ?matrix, ?$names, ?attributes, etc... I read the sections in Jeff's PDF, and the tutorials on datamentor, I'm just not finding how to do this. I'm sorry this is such a newbie question.
> thank you for your time,
> hallie

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