[R] A general question about using Bayes' Theorem for calculating the probability of The End of Human Technological Civilisation

Evan Cooch ev@n@cooch @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Mar 19 19:06:22 CET 2019

Just curious -- if R-help is a moderated list (which  in theory , it is 
-- my posts have been 'modertated', to the degree that they aren't 
released to the list until someone approves them), and if these 
'statistics discussion' questions are inappropriate to the mission (as 
described), then...why isn't the 'moderator' (him/her/they) blocking on 

On 3/19/2019 1:59 PM, David Winsemius wrote:
> Rhelp is not a forum for discussions of statistics. Instead it is for 
> persons who have specific questions about the use of R.
> Please read the list info page where you started the subscription 
> process. And do read the Posting Guide. Both these are linked at the 
> bottom of this response.
> There are Web accessible forums that are set up to statistics.

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