[R] install R

John jwd @end|ng |rom @urewe@t@net
Thu May 9 00:19:44 CEST 2019

On Wed, 8 May 2019 21:05:29 +0800 (CST)
yueli <yueli7 using 126.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to install R.
> Thanks in advance for any help!
> Yue
It appears that your GCC compiler installation doesn't include all the
compilers that can come with it.  All those "no's" listed in your
output listing should be "yes" to compile R, its help files, and
various compiled material required by add-on packages (or just about
anything else that needs a compiler other than vanilla C). At a
minimum you should have both "gfortran" and "g++" in your /usr/bin
directory.  You can see from your output that the configure routine
looks for several different alternatives for fortran compiler and none
are found. 

As it stands, the only compiler you seem to have enabled appears to
be the basic GNU C compiler. It looks as if you might have a minimal
desktop system installed, but linux is open source, which means that to
fully use it, you will want various compilers for any software that
comes as source you want to compile.  Your alternative with R
would be to install the binary, but the lack of compilers will still be
a problem with many packages you may want to use in R, since they too
often use at least the Fortran compiler, and I'm pretty sure I have
see g++ called as well.


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