[R] bi-directional bar chart with a central axis

Sabatier, Jennifer F. (CDC/DDPHSIS/CGH/DGHP) |vv9 @end|ng |rom cdc@gov
Wed Sep 18 00:14:41 CEST 2019

Hi R-help,

I have this data:

my.dta <-data.frame(matrix(c(
26.3,	21.4,
20.1,	13.4,
7.9,	3.9,
16.5,	14.6,
5.3,	3.6,
38.6,	25.6,
34.4,	21.6,
77.4,	79.5,
58.2,	56.1,
80.5,	84,
37.7,	31.9,
19.9,	28.1,
6.2,	5.9	
), nrow=13, ncol=2, byrow=T, 
dimnames=list(c('A',	'B',	'C',	'D', 	'E',	'F',	'G',   'H',	'I',	'J',	'K',	'L',	'M'), 
c("Males", "Females"))

I want to make a graph that looks like this:


Any help would be highly appreciated!



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