[R] 2021 John M. Chambers Software Award

Raymond Wong r@ymondkww@dev @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Wed Oct 14 07:20:35 CEST 2020

Dear R-help listers,

The Statistical Computing Section of the American Statistical Association announces the competition for the John M. Chambers Statistical Software Award. In 1998 the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) presented the ACM Software System Award to John Chambers for the design and development of S. Dr. Chambers generously donated his award to the Statistical Computing Section to endow an annual prize for statistical software written by, or in collaboration with, an undergraduate or graduate student.

Please visit http://asa.stat.uconn.edu <http://asa.stat.uconn.edu/> for more information.

Best regards,

Raymond Wong

Awards Chair
ASA Section on Statistical Computing

Associate Professor
Department of Statistics
Texas A&M University
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