[R] Dear R experts, I have a question about meta-analysis

21803005 m@iii@g oii zju@edu@c@ 21803005 m@iii@g oii zju@edu@c@
Tue Oct 27 14:32:47 CET 2020

Dear R experts, 

Greetings from China! I'm Zhang in the College of Education, Zhejiang University, and I am recently running a meta-analysis. Since research using the randomized controlled trial (RCT) often dismissed reporting the correlation (r) between multivariate outcomes, for instance, a study measuring students' gains on problem solving skills with three aspects and reported the pre-post scores respectively, but obviously these three aspects were correlated. I wonder if and how I could integrate the effect sizes among these three aspects into an overall effect size without getting the concrete 'r'? Could R project and (or) function help me solve this problem?




Zhang Enming (张恩铭)

PhD Student

Department of Curriculum and Instruction

College of Education, Zhejiang University

Tel: +86 17649850218

Email: 21803005 using zju.edu.cn
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