[R] Error: C stack usage 15924320 is too close to the limit

Gossaye Hailu go@@@ye15 @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Fri May 28 20:55:04 CEST 2021

I am doing phylogenetic analysis of ecological community data set using
Picante package to find out PD, MPD, MNTD
I have run the following arguments
>tree4.phy<-read.csv("june2016.matrix.csv",sep=",",header = TRUE,row.names
= 1)
>tree4.out<-pd(tree4.phy,tree4.phylotree,include.root = FALSE)

When I randomize the matrix 999 times the following Error term appears
>tree4.mpd<-ses.mpd(tree4.phy,cophenetic(tree4.phylotree),runs = 999)

Error: C stack usage  15923904 is too close to the limit

How can I solve this error please? I will highly appreciate your help!

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