[R] package sare not loading and/or installing

Ivan Krylov kry|ov@r00t @end|ng |rom gm@||@com
Tue Jan 31 19:46:58 CET 2023

On Tue, 31 Jan 2023 13:12:46 +0000
Phil Smith via R-help <r-help using r-project.org> wrote:

> Some of these install with no problem. However, most of them give an
> error messages that looks like:
> Warning in install.packages :
>   installation of package ‘curl’ had non-zero exit status

I'm using my psychic debugging powers to determine that you're using
some kind of Linux or another POSIX-compatible OS. Scroll up to see the
error messages produced when installing the curl package. You'll see
that it's complaining about the lack of development headers for cURL

If you install them using your package manager (which could be `sudo apt
install libcurl4-openssl-dev`, `sudo yum install curl-devel` or
something else depending on the OS/distro), the installation of the
curl package should succeed, allowing you to install other packages
that depend on it.

Best regards,

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