[BioC] Recent changes to Bioconductor packages

madman at jimmy.harvard.edu madman at jimmy.harvard.edu
Sat May 3 06:00:02 MEST 2003

This is an automated message sent out weekly to report recent changes
to Bioconductor packages.  Please see the URL 
http://www.bioconductor.org/changelog.html for a complete history.
Apr 30 2003: reposTools - Fixed several bugs in syncLocalLibList() that
     caused problems when dealing with multiple package library directories. 
     This also caused problems down the line w/ getBioC and *.packages2()
     (REL1.1 and Devel) - JG

Apr 29 2003: annotate - references to data package hgu95a have been
     changed to hgu95av2.  JG

Apr 29 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.2 - fixed bug in ebayes when
     more than two coefficients (bug introduced on Apr 25).  Added new
	 normalization method, robust splines.  Changes to plotPrintTipLoess.
	 Several changes to .Rd files.

Apr 28 2003: reposTools - Fixed a bug in save.locLib (called mainly
     by syncLocalLibList() where the system would not check that
     write access exists for liblisting.Rda before attempting to
     write. Also wrapped a call to installed.packages() in a try()
     due to a bug in the way it handles empty dirs. (Rel1.1 and Devel) JG

Apr 28 2003: getBioC - Replaced the 'isDevel' and 'version' parameters with
     'relLevel' which can take one of 'release', 'devel', 'contrib', and
     'release1.0' as arguments.  Default is 'release' (1.1) JG

Apr 27 2003: limma - imported version 1.0.1 - Several new help topics and
     consolidation of a couple of old ones.  Correction of a couple of
     small code bugs concerning creation of classed objects by MA.RG and
     backgroundCorrect.  Other minor changes to help topics entries. GKS

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