[Rd] mle

Ben Bolker bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Fri May 7 00:54:06 CEST 2004

  I'm very excited by the new mle package now incorporated in stats4.  If 
possible, I'd like to help develop it.  In the past I wrote a similar 
package (mleprof, available from http://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker/R/src), and 
would like to see if there's anything that my package does that I could 
contribute (in particular, I'd like to make sure that the code is as 
robust as possible in constructing profiles and finding confidence 
limits); I also have opinions about some of the defaults, and I can 
certainly help test it ...

  I don't know who the primary developer is beyond "R-core" ... if 
whoever's working on it would like to take me up on the offer, can you let 
me know?

  Ben Bolker

620B Bartram Hall                            bolker at zoo.ufl.edu
Zoology Department, University of Florida    http://www.zoo.ufl.edu/bolker
Box 118525                                   (ph)  352-392-5697
Gainesville, FL 32611-8525                   (fax) 352-392-3704

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