[Rd] trouble with package loading: Function found when exporting methods from the namespace ‘raster’ which is not S4 generic: ‘all.equal’

Patrick Giraudoux p@tr|ck@g|r@udoux @end|ng |rom un|v-|comte@|r
Sun Jan 30 19:21:08 CET 2022

Le 30/01/2022 à 19:09, Duncan Murdoch a écrit :
> Can you reproduce the problem?  If so, please post the recipe for 
> doing so here, e.g. "install x from Github, y from CRAN, ..."  If not, 
> it's unlikely anyone will be able to help.
> If you don't know how to do it, I'd contact the original reporter, and 
> at least ask the original reporter for sessionInfo() just before and 
> after the error occurs.
> Duncan Murdoch

OK. Will do my best however the problem has been reported to me by a 
'lay' user (I do not met it however I tried installing/desinstalling to 
get a reproducible error etc). I will ask her to follow your 
instructions (she is in cc) and help her if I can. She repeatly met her 
on three different computer in her office and home, all Windows. However 
Googling a bit one can see that this problem is not met for the first 
time with other packages

- https://github.com/r-tmap/tmap/issues/621


I also put Zhian Kamvar in cc, in the case he can report on his own case

Thanks for your concern (and congrats/thanks for all the work done by 
the R core team including yourself).


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