[R] R-2.0.1 Gentoo g77 problem

Dimakos Ioannis idimakos at upatras.gr
Wed Mar 9 23:10:48 CET 2005

> On Wed, 9 Mar 2005, Gabriel Rossetti wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I use Gentoo and I can't get R 2.0.1 to compile. I used the portage
>> system, Gentoo's source package sytem, and after it uncompresses the
>> source to R, it says that I don't have a fortran compiler. It told me to
>> use f77 flag and re-emerge gcc, which I did with the f77 and fortran
>> flags, but it still won't compile. Does anyone have any ideas? I suspect
>> that gcc has changed it's interworkings, because if I do a gcc -v it
>> says that I can compile fortran(f77) programs, but I don't have g77. If
>> anyone has any ideas or workarounds, it would be great. I really need it
>> for a P&S class. Thanks!
> After experiencing similar problems and noticing that g77 was nowhere to
> be found, I symlinked /usr/bin/g77 --> /usr/bin/gcc.
> R then built and passed 'make check'.

As I pointed out in a private message to the original poster, g77 is not
found in the gentoo system.  However, the system does provide f2c which
will translate fortran to C code and then R-2.0.1 passes configure, and
make and make check and make install and everything



Ioannis C. Dimakos
University of Patras
Department of Elementary Education
Patras, GR-26500 GREECE

Ioannis C. Dimakos
University of Patras
Department of Elementary Education
Patras, GR-26500 GREECE

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