[R] List of Variables in Original Order

rkulp rkulp at charter.net
Fri Sep 28 00:26:36 CEST 2012

I am trying to Sweave the output of calculating correlations between one
variable and several others. I wanted to print a table where the
odd-numbered rows contain the variable names and the even-numbered rows
contain the correlations. So if VarA is correlated with all the variables in
mydata.df, then it would look like

var1        var2      var3 
corr1      corr2     corr3
var4       var5        var6
corr4     corr5     corr6
I tried using a matrix for the correlations and another one for the variable
names. I built the correlation matrix using 
x = matrix(format(cor(mydata.df[,1],mydata.df[,c(2:79)]),digits=4),nc=3) 
and the variable names matrix using 
y = matrix(ls(mydata.df[c(2:79)]),nc=3). 
The problem is the function ls returns the names in alphabetical order,
columnar order.
How do I get the names in columnar order? Is there a better way to display
the correlation of a single variable with a large number of other variables?
If there is, how do I do it? I appreciate any help I can get. This is my
first project in R so I don't know much about it yet.

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