[R] Obtaining the transformation matrix from the "persp" function without plotting

Erin Hodgess erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 03:48:00 CEST 2015

Hello again.

I am looking at the "persp" function and would like to obtain the the
transformation matrix value that is output rather than the plot itself.  I
will use this matrix to pass into 3D plotting functions.

This is what I am doing:

tool.df <- read.table("tool.txt",header=TRUE)
tool.code <- coded.data(tool.df,x1~(speed-150)/25,x2~(angle-20)/5)
tool.rsm <- rsm(life ~ SO(x1,x2), data=tool.code)

Note:  the tool.txt file is attached.

Update the model:

tool2.rsm = update(tool.rsm,  . ~ . + I(x1^2*x2) + I(x1*x2^2) +

Now plot:

persp3d.rsm(tool2.rsm, x1~x2, bounds=list(x1=c(-1,1),x2=c(-1,1)),

Similarly, the persp3d.rsm.R file is attached.

As you can see, about half way in the persp3d.rsm function, I try to run a
regular persp function to get the transformation matrix:

transf2 = persp(dat$x, dat$y, dat$z, zlim = dat$zlim,
                  theta = theta, phi = phi, r = r, col = NA, border = NA,
                   box = FALSE, ...)

However, this produces a set of contour lines on a separate plot, rather
than the 3D plot.

I tried to used "plot=FALSE" in the persp function call, but that gave me a
warning message that the parameter did not exist.

This is from Russell Lenth's work.  Thanks to him for the rsm package.

Thank you for any suggestions.


Erin Hodgess
Associate Professor
Department of Mathematical and Statistics
University of Houston - Downtown
mailto: erinm.hodgess at gmail.com
-------------- next part --------------
 speed angle life
    125    15   -2
    150    15   -3
    175    15    2
    125    15   -1
    150    15    0
    175    15    3
    125    20    0
    150    20    1
    175    20    4
    125    20    2
    150    20    3
    175    20    6
    125    25   -1
    150    25    5
    175    25    0
    125    25    0
    150    25    6
    175    25   -1

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